Monday, 18 June 2012

Max Bygraves

Max Bygraves
Max Bygraves was a populer performer during the 1960's and 70's,he was a comediean,singer and writer throughout his career,he was the presenter of a lot of populer Television shows such as "Whack-O" and "Family Fortunes"whist appearing in films such as "Spare the Rod" and "A Cry From The Streets".

What he is most famous for however is his music career with one of his greatest selling songs being "Fings Aint Wot They Used T'Be",As of writing in my Collection I own the following records containing his music

  1.  The Fings Aint Wot They Used T'Be  45rpm Single
  2.  A Hallmark Record (Pictured above, Code HMA 206)
  3.  Another Hallmark  Record with a black backround and Max Pictured on a Stage (Catalouge HMA 242)
  4.  The Singlong with Max 6 Record Box Set released by Reader's Digest.
Now for the Singalong box this has a lot of music on it and luckily it has been re-released on Itunes albiet broken up to the different tracks on the records,Strollin and Mame are also on there as well which were the only two songs i didn't post from the Hallmark Record.

Here is a sample from Disk 1 Side A from the Singalong with Max Record Set,the medley
 "How Deep Is the Ocean/As Times Goes By"

Unfortunately at the moment this story is not a very happy one as last year Max's Wife (who he used to call Blossom) sadly passed away and earlier this year at their home in Queensland Australia his Daughter released a statement saying that Max was showing early signs of Alzheimer's disease much like Terry Pratchitt although he's reportedly been keeping himself busy and trying to keep himself active,if you have the time and you are a fan of his work Send a Postcard to him as support.

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